Sunday, September 6, 2020

Creating Your Artist Profile Page!


image from

Use a free Google Gmail account to make your own Blogger website. 

Always save and publish each blog post so you can share it with others. 

How to build your Artist Profile Blogger webpage!

image from

Your artist profile = 

1. your best artist or performance photos

2. your best performance video or audio file

3. your artist bio


WHERE: Where you were born and now live

WHAT: 1. Your main instrument 2. List your 3 best musical skills (e.g. vocal range, 

HOW: How you learnt - e.g. self-taught or received lessons & number of years you've been learning

WHERE & WHEN: A list of performances with photos or recordings if possible

WHO: Other artists you have performed with

WHY: 1. Why you perform 2. Who inspires you (influences & favourite music styles)  3. Future ambitions (career - musical or not & what musical )

 Read this article for more help: 'Tips for Musicians: How to Get Your Bio Read' (from MusicPromoToday)

How to upload website links, photos, video & audio files (& emojis! 🤗 )

These four icon buttons allow you to add weblinks, pictures, videos and emojis! 

When you add:  
  • weblinks - tick the box to open the link in a new page so the reader can still view your blog at the same time
  • pictures - add a caption with the web address to show where it's from (use smallest size font)
  • videos - you can link directly from Youtube or upload from a phone or computer
  • audio files - see below
Audio files cannot be directly uploaded, as Blogger does not have an MP3 player. Instead, you can include audio recordings link to a website (1) or to a storage cloud (2)

Method 1. Play from a music website (e.g. Soundcloud, etc)

Simply paste the html link into Create/Edit URL or into Insert Video

Method 2. Link directly to file from an online Cloud 

First, upload your MP3 files on an audio hosting service like Google Drive, Dropbox etc... because you can't upload and save audio files on Blogger directly.

Then put it into post's HTML editor not the text editor. 

** Make sure you copy the link to the file itself (from 'right click' menu) and not the web address for the audio player page that opens when you click on the file**

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